How to Perform Ruqyah Over Yourself & Family, Part 1/2

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  1. Assalam o Alaikum. I am 30 years old .. and i have lots of problems. Health problms, marriage problm lots and lots of problms and i need help. I cant offer prayer.. this is my 2nd week everytime when ithibk abt Nimaz , my breath stops body shak and all the time lazy and tired , i cant read quran . I ak scared plz i need help can i do Ruqiya on my ownself?

    1. Listen surah bakra in 1 streach with consantration ….ur condition ll become more worse for few days n then u ll be ok inshAllah ….then u ll able to offer prayers

    2. I stopped praying for a whole month when my health started to deteriorate and I am guessing it’s because of sihr and/or jinn possession.
      It was unusual for me to abandon salah. As it turns out, when we quit salah/namaz, something is terribly wrong. You should do ruqya on yourself ASAP. You can also ask for help from a true Muslim but it’s better if you put your trust in Allah and battle the devils on your own. If you don’t ask for ruqya and strive to be a good Muslim, then you will be admitted to jannah without having to render an account, and this is according to an authentic Hadith. Stay strong and stay blessed.

  2. Assalamu alaykum, I have a question for Abu Ibrahim about doing ruqya on yourself. My question is when you pour the water on yourself in the shower, can the water go down the drain, because I keep hearing different sheiks say it’s not good to let the water go down the drain and it’s better to throw it outside in the dirt. Please can you answer this question for me asap, Jazak Allahu Khairun

  3. where is the evidence of the sunnah for this which of the hadith books state that the prophet [pbuh] say do this ruqyah in this manner.

  4. It was narrated from Abu Qataadah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) breathing into the vessel. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5630) and Muslim (267).

    What is meant is that it is forbidden to blow onto whatever is in the vessel of food or drink.

    Al-Shawkaani said in Nayl al-Awtaar (8/221):

    Vessel includes vessels for both food and drink. End quote.

    How do we reconcile this with the method of ruqiya

  5. baraak Allah u fik. and why can’t u do hijama more than one’s a month.

  6. jazallahukhair i really really need this jazallahukhair Allahpaak blessed you and your family

    1. brother he has written all duas as english on his left side corner when he is reciting. so pause the video and write on your paper thnks alot

  7. assalamu alaiykum brothers n sisters. I just wanted to know starting from ayatul kursi if we have to recite the next recommended verses twice. meaning once for spittling into the water and then once for the oil. if any1 can give advice, it would be much appreciated. jazakumullahu

  8. How to perform this when someone is far, as he or she can’t feed or drink any of this things

  9. Salam Brother, What if one doesn’t know how to read all these sourates and verses, could he or she just plays them near the water and oil and spittle after the ayas?

  10. Assalamu alaikum sir i want to know clearly the detail of this,honestly sir I am a muslim but i dont know how to read Qur’an i want to learn anyone can help me?😔😔

    1. Fast Devil I Have Ever Seen In My Life Chatting On Youtube, So You Are Repenting And Stopping To Hurt Your Brothers. loool

  11. even Jesus when asked are you perfect then? he said No no one is perfect but our Father in heaven.

  12. I am a Christian but I pray to God many times a day. definitely many ppl are possessed. God took me to heaven or else I’d be just lost. but I don’t think your saved based on Christian or Muslim. as a Christian I try to be like Jesus. and really when I was in heaven it was all about God. No Love Is Greater ever than our Creater Father. Some ppl know him some don’t.

    1. We are accountable for our deeds and you want to be sure you are on the right path and not end up in eternal hell. So it does matter who we worship. We have been given intellect. Go and ask the questions you are not allowed to ask in Christianity like why 3 in 1. And ask questions from Muslim scholars. Go to a mosque they will welcome you with open arms and will answer ALL your questions. We all have a duty to seek truth. Do research then make an informed decision not just what you are told by some go verify it.

  13. Tnx bro may almighty God bless you. But I want to know how to do it for my family and also I have to continue this or just once plz?

  14. I have a question if something going on with ur life and it feels like it’s voodoo and u went to someone to ask questions or what’s happening is that harm

  15. Assalamualikum my brother. I have learned many things from you and did ruqya to my family who were most probably afflicted with magic (Allahu alem) and now alhamdulillah they are much much better. One question please: in one problem I can’t understand how I can do Ruqya. The problem is my father wants to sell his many properties for more than 5 years but his cousin wants to stop him doing that in hope of getting those properties in a very very cheap rate. Our village people are very known how my father’s cousin does black magic effectively. And I am also guessing that he has done this so that my father can’t sell his property because every time buyer comes and they proceed to buy but suddenly they turn back. How can I perform Ruqya in this issue.?

    1. @Shukri Muhammad I had dream that tha lady who did black magic on me she is tha one of tha people of tha hellfire so tha dream satisfies me because my pain is temporary and her pain will be forever

    2. Don’t except any food or drinks from him don’t eat around him or drink around him he is a snake get Zam Zam put in a spray bottle and spray him in his stupid face

    3. Anyone that does magic should have their throats slit from ear to ear. They ruin so many lives. You can see why sharia law is the only way to govern, because under sharia law, sorcerers get killed.

  16. 1. Surah Al Fatiha (3) Water Bottle & (3) Olive Oil (spittle after every ayat)

    2. Surah Al Baqarah (Whole 1 time) Water Bottle & Olive Oil (spittle after 2 or 3 pages)

    3. Ayatul kurshee (3) Water Bottle & (3) Olive Oil (spittle after every ayat)
    4. Surah 2, Verse 102 (3) Water Bottle & (3) Olive Oil (spittle after every ayat)
    5. Surah 7, Verse 115-119 (3) Water Bottle & (3) Olive Oil (spittle after every ayat)
    6. Surah 10, Verse 79-82 (3) Water Bottle & (3) Olive Oil (spittle after every ayat)
    7. Surah 20, Verse 65-70 (3) Water Bottle & (3) Olive Oil (spittle after every ayat)
    8. Surah 2, Verse 285-286 (3) Water Bottle & (3) Olive Oil (spittle after every ayat)
    9. Surah Al Ikhlaash (3) Water Bottle & (3) Olive Oil (spittle after every ayat)
    10.Surah Al Falaq (3) Water Bottle & (3) Olive Oil (spittle after every ayat)
    11.Surah An Nas (3) Water Bottle & (3) Olive Oil (spittle after every ayat)

    1. May Allah bless you with Health and protect you from every calamity ameen. Jazakallah for this comment

  17. im new islam..and i think i cant do what the brother say..i cant even read the arabic qur’an..

    1. @Grace Stackpole if you do quran in your language it is no longer a Quran but you should listen tha Quran

    2. Abdullah Autida do it in your own language! thats what i am going to do inshallah

    3. Welcome to Islam. Please download English Quran transliteration from app store. It will help you read in English but recite in Arabic. 🙂

  18. salaamalikum brother i have put olive oil on my body so i want to know when i wash it off with zamzam water can i use a bar of soap as well. And after i have done that can i have a normal shower jazakallahkhair

  19. @mybetterhalf
    I have question people who have diabetes is it okay to have them honey ??

    1. arifur robin Yes take them off Sugar completely and replace it with Honey. Avoid sugar in all ways like food drinks etc even sweetners and Insha Allah Honey has cure for everything….

  20. I have recited surah fateha only once…now what should I do…should I continue it?

    1. welcome dear hindu friend I think you subconscious mind is telling you to take interest in this religion so please join you anger is illusion but your heart wants to fell the purity

    1. No, it is better to read quraan after your periods. If yoy read it during your periods, it may invite jinns(evils) to you

    1. তামান্না তমা hope that you learnt something from this sheikh, as black magic in your country is tremendous

  21. assalamualikum brother i followed your instructions and iam feeling better and how come i know that evil thing has left me plz let me know jazakalla hu khaira and can i perform rukhya again

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