The Law of Attraction can Demolish Your Life

Your Soul Manifestation Reading Reveals The Challenges That May Be Blocking You On Your Soul’s Journey And The Opportunities Available To Help You At This Time in Your Life… Get Your FREE Soul Reading at Soul Manifestation official website.


  1. Then stop making so many videos and so many different things that you tell us.. When a person like me and many more are not in a good space and spirit we want to hold on to each opportunity and try it all so don’t blame us.. Blame yourself coach and others like you giving us hope… And despite being your loyal followers and a fan today I’m so so so dissappointed

  2. can you manifest/script multiple things at a time? I’ve been scripting using the 4×44 and 6×66 methods, as well as watching your tapping to receive a text and increasing vibration and frequency videos, is that bad or is it okay? lots of love <3

  3. Interesting was just thinking I haven’t been practicing manifesting as much and your video came up on my feed

  4. Sir, please share some more videos on how to get my love back.. He is avoiding me from quite a few days and I cant stop thinking about him.. Please Sir, help me out.

  5. Yes exactly ! Its not about what you want its about how deeply you feel it and about who you are ❤🌹

  6. after using any technique and letting it go, Can we pray for the thing we need or just let it go?

  7. Getting into routines , keeping ourselves busy and living happily in family with care and concentration…. always these things when I follow , I get the text and result of manifestation . Thank you Robert thank you universe ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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