How to manifest anything you want | Manifestation methods that actually work for me

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i’m finally manifesting my dream life

I spent years learning about manifestation and trying to ”speak things into existence” without actually feeling like the things I wanted were in reach. I recently started new habits that have helped me change my thoughts and behaviors to align with the life I wanted. Now, I’m seeing everything I am manifesting coming true and feel confident about achieving my dreams.

In this video, I share the manifestation and law of attraction methods that have helped me manifest everything quicker than I ever thought was possible.

watch next:

how i plan my goals –

why you’re not getting what you want –

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  1. Girl, I am so thankful for you and the content you make… I hope to have a friend like you some day..🥺🤍 I needed this..

  2. I just found your channel 💜 Do you have a list of book recommendations somewhere?

    1. Not yet! But some of my top recs are A New Earth, The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Yourself, and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People!

  3. The first 30 seconds is already speaking to me! I’ve always felt like I envisioned this dream version of myself, outside of myself where I wanted to be & how I pictured my life to be! & I felt like it was so out of reach, until this year. More & more of my life is unfolding & i’m gaining access to things I never thought would happen for me. I think God was just showing me visions of what my life would be & my depression, insecurities, and anxiety were making it feel unattainable! Btw, so happy for you❤️ seeing everything unfold for you blesses me! I’m learning as your learning. What a beautiful thing it is to see! 🥰❤️💫✨

    1. I’m so so happy for you! God has so much in store for you, and realizing that you’re capable of ANYTHING you want is the most empowering feeling!❤️✨ And thank you for the support!🤗

  4. Your videos always seem to come at the perfect time, it’s a little creepy 🤣I just told someone this week I can see my future self, she’s so close, I can literally feel her. I just don’t know how to access her when I need to. I’m definitely trying to figure out that embodying and walking in that future self piece. But I really appreciate having your content along my journey of slowly rejecting the capitalist machine lol.

    1. I am so glad this came at the right time! You are more than capable of accessing what you want out of life and I am wishing you all the best along your journey!💕

  5. I liked this video a lot, I literally paused and did some scripting in my journal. I’m gonna try visualisation next

  6. Love this video Lynette. Spot on for me. I’ve started manifesting in the present, “I am” and “I have”. I’ve never heard of scripting. I’m going to add it to my daily practices.

  7. Crazy how this popped up now. I’ve been into manifesting for a while and have manifested a lot but I have been stuck lately. This got me excited about manifesting again 😁

  8. If your having trouble with manifestation guy trying reading the book As a man thinketh by James Allen, it really breaks down the mental component to manifestation, really helped me. Love this video babe, your content is Gold ☀️

  9. i love your videos , quick question how often do you script because im often confused on if im supposed to do it everyday

    1. I honestly just do it whenever I feel drawn to it! Some weeks its a few nights in a row but it’s honestly been a few weeks since I did it last, so just whenever feels right!

  10. Visualization has been taught to my by my dad for a long time now. However, Overthinking has been my problem for a while, so im doing my best to strengthen my faith in God that things will work out. Also, I find it best to just be grateful and not ask for much.

  11. Back in January I wrote in my journal ‘I create valuable content for people to inspire and be healthy’. Back then I didn’t know that 3 months later I will post my first video on YouTube… It was a pleasant surprise when I’ve read it just recently!

  12. Loved this video 💕 if you like Joe dispenza, you may want to check out (if you haven’t already) the To Be Magnetic podcast by Lacy Phillips. Her work is really inspired by his, with that same focus on manifesting through neuroplasticity & psychology

  13. Here you go again making me tear up lol! I Love the inspiration you give and your energy. I get so excited when I see you have posted a new video. Thank you for your content Lynette ❤

  14. Thank you for sharing! 💛✨ I love content like this. Please share more.

  15. also another tip: stop sharing what ur manifesting with your “friends” or ppl in general. you never know who is secretly wishing on your downfall, therefore do they rly need to know what ur doing in life or is working towards? pop out with those things and suprise them rather then giving them the opportunity to send negative vibes ur way!!

    1. I agree. I actually just read about this the other day. Other people could have ill will against your progress and actually slow progress down if they know your specifics of what you want to manifest or what you are currently accomplishing.


  16. Divine timing✨ I 100% agree in letting the universe align things when I’m ready. I’ve manifested things I wasn’t ready for so it’s important to actually believe you deserve it. We hold so much power.

  17. I genuinely enjoy your talks sooo much! I remember subscribing when you would make side hustle videos but this shift in content is amazing🙌🏽 Can you maybe talk about how to shift into content you actually enjoy filming for youtubers/creators? This is something I’m currently struggling with.

    1. Thank you so much! I always looked up to you and so appreciate this🥺❤️ I can def talk about this some more cuz it’s been a journeyyy and I’m def still figuring it out lol

  18. Surrendering is something that I have also really been trying to working on! I really need to start to trust the timing of the universe because often times I sit here and try to rush my goals and get discouraged about it. I keep a gratitude journal where I script my manifestations and things that I am grateful for.

    1. Yesss I think it’s a societal thing tbh and we have to unlearn it, the universe definitely works on it’s own time❤️

  19. Embodiment is like the magic tool in daily basis.. Honestly I am still learning to do it every single day.. You are one of my inspiration.

  20. I love this! Although the action part I encourage everyone to just do inspired action. Be mindful of why you’re taking a certain action. The action to take should just come to you, you’ll know what to do. So yes if you wanted to get paid for painting one day and it really is a passion, you should already feel the inspired action to go paint when you want. If you don’t know what action to take, don’t force anything, it should come to you naturally even if you didn’t know that certain actions were taken to get your manifestation. I do still struggle with living in the end, living as if things i want are done, but its worth it. I find that manifestation is different for me every time, I think I have to let go of resistance of certain things currently.

    One thing i like doing is saying “5 minutes ago, *include thing here* happened to me” or WHATEVER if you feel like being happy in that moment. You are the universe, you’re giving yourself what you want, nothing outside of you. My biggest advice to NEVER think that there are limitations for you. I just had the craziest manifestation success that caused me stress because midway, i started to doubt and overthink while still affirming etc. The way it manifested was a relief. There’s nothing about manifestation that you can do “wrong” when it comes to how differently you manifest from others. Some people script, some affirm, some just “decide” they have what they want and do nothing else, some affirm future tense, past, present, some people manifest the middle. Anything works because you are the Universe as long as you know and trust that it’s working. Circumstances don’t matter!

    Biggest advice:
    Do NOT compare your manifestation “success rate” to others, do not change something that was WORKING for you to do what someone else is doing. Just focus on yourself, and take any tips you really feel like you like.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience ❤️ I so agree, everyone’s experience is different and our journeys’ being so unique is what makes life fun!

  21. I really love this channel. It’s helping me find my way. Keep doing your thing girl!

  22. You are legit my favorite youtuber. I used to watch a lot of people and now i only watch a handful of people that i feel make videos that truly make them happy and you are one of them. So happy for your growth you deserve it 🤍

  23. Lynette, no joke, thank you, thank you, thank you again for these words!
    I wrote down some of my thoughts this morning and realized I’m always so focused on the future that I often forget to live in the present moment.. I sometimes feel that I just keep chasing it and time goes by and I don’t even notice…
    What you said in this video is just what I needed, I can bring bring the future self that I want to my present moment. I am already that person and I’m now just working on getting the rest of what I want while being in the here and now.
    Sending love all the way from Amsterdam! ❤

    1. Yesss I’m so glad you are finding that gratitude for the presence! Wishing you the best ❤️

  24. Absolutely loved this video, I love to see your spiritual content, you made it so easy to understand and relatable ❤️
    Also since you said you were working on surrendering, you could try outlining your limiting beliefs and rewriting them as positive affirmations maybe? The more you do it, the easier it gets ♥️

    1. Hi Lynette! I have a question about your scripting. Did you write down the same entry (e.g. about your black Jeep) every day until it came to manifestation or did you write that down once and let the universe take over from there? Thanks

  25. I need to keep a prayer journal, because writing things down helps me visualize the things that are pertinent in my life and what I really want

  26. One belief I’ve always held, I don’t have to be STEM major in order to make good income in life and live the life I want. Came across a video like that and mentioning useless degrees etc. Ruining the vibes of what I want in life beyond that.

    Your videos have been very encouraging esp towards the end of my senior of college and last week graduating

    1. You def don’t need a stem degree to be successful! So glad these vids have been helpful!

  27. I’m working on out more action and manifesting to get out of my 9-5

    1. You should try watching Hailey Gamba, she has a morning podcast about passion and I think it will help you on this journey

  28. I need to try scripting I more do visualisation before bed like I think about me being in the moment of when I finally reach that goal idk if it’s the same thing and idk if anyone else does this but yeah 😂

    1. @Nails With Kams That’s awesome! Keep doing it. Do you write down the manifestations that come to life?

    2. Yesss so many ppl do this already without even realizing what they’re doing! I feel like I did it for years and just now writing it out

    3. @TravelingNatural I feel like I just naturaly done it before bed and idk why but I only realised it was a visualization technique a few months ago

  29. I love thinking back from where I was a year from now and seeing how much I’ve grown. Do this if you are ever struggling with where you are right now

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