Is Witchcraft a Form of Satanism? | Wicca

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Hi, my name is Phyllis Curott and I’m a Wiccan Priestess and the founder of
the Tradition of Aura. There is no Satan in Wicca or in witchcraft or
in any of the Pagan traditions of old Europe or what we now call the Middle
East, the fertile crescent.

He is a figure of the Abrahamic traditions. He is a biblical figure. He
belongs strictly and entirely and only to the Abrahamic faiths. He is their
personification of evil.

There is no Satan in our traditions. We do not have a personification of
evil. We have an entirely different understanding of the universe as
innately sacred.

The one, there are many, but probably the single most important unifying
principle of Wicca and Shamanism and other indigenous traditions and the
many great revivals and reconstructions that are going on now under the
umbrella title of Paganism, is that they are united in their understanding
that all creation is sacred. It is innately sacred.

There is no space, there is no place, there is no existence of a
personified evil. You can say that people engage in behavior which we would
characterize as evil, but that is because they become estranged from the
sacred, because they become estranged from the divine, because they become
estranged from their own innate divinity. And our work is about restoring
that connection and healing that wound.


  1. Christianity is far more worst look at all the bad things it continuous to do I’m catholic well by birth but I ten to mix most things like the god and goddess being two half’s of one being by still calling it god cause I’m more used to it and I wear a pentacle rather then a cross cause the cross reminds me of the bad side and the hate Christianity brings

    1. i’m also catholic and i agree, and based on history, Christianity killed more people than witches did, and it’s all because of these Satan concept.. they also killed their own, Joan of Arc, a woman of intuition, falsely accused of being a witch.. -_-

    1. Why would you call yourself a witch if you are Shaman? It’s does not hold the same meaning, as priest/priestess does not.

    2. Let’s give this guy a comedian gold prize. This is entertaining. I’m actually laughing here X3 Never have I said I serve either. I serve the stars and the timeline. I serve the universe itself, for I myself am a fae. When this body dies, I’ll be heading back to the Seelie Court, and my job as a fae is to protect the people who cannot protect themselves. No one is more significant than another. Deities are just as important as us ourselves. They cannot put themselves above the people that serve them, lest they wish to lose their privilege of being a deity. After all, even as the people serve the deity, the deity serves their people too.

    3. @Nicole Ryan If you’re the light then I’d gladly remain dark. Ignorance truly is bliss, isn’t it? Nah, I’m neither light nor dark. Picking between two sides of the same coin is boring. I’ll just pick the coin. I’ll go with Yin-Yang. That’s a nifty idea right? Gotta pick between two things? Whoever said you can’t have both? Yourself, probably.

    4. @Nicole Ryan God didn’t destroy our people, it was those who served him that forced inhumane ways to convert to Christianity.
      The churchmen took our kids and abused them till they were 18.
      Look up residential schools or watch the movie “Free the children” which was a documentary of how these children died in schools for the sake of religion and colonization.
      (Not gonna say it was Christianity and the churchmen that destroyed us because there were many other factors to this but I’ll mention what we’re talking about exclusively, plus majority of natives didn’t practice witchcraft but rather ceremonies)

      If you’re saying they still deserved such a fate I’d say you’re just a sad ignorant fool, besides why are you bringing up this factor?

  2. ‘the more you shall honor Me,
    the more I shall bless you’
    -the Infant Jesus of Prague

  3. Isis,pluto,zeus u name it they are all gods….{demons] but there is only one almighty GD in heaven,the almighty LRD!

    1. You’re right! Witchcraft isn’t a religion, it’s a craft. And you can be part of a cult. But it has nothing to do with Satan

  4. U are either darkness or light,U are either with GD or U are with satan! there is nothing else,unless your a donkey,and believe that wicca angels will be waiting for U after death. Either angels come and get U,or demons! thereis no gray area. U are either with light or with darkness!

  5. There is probably Witchcraft origins that don’t have any connection to paganism. That is my philosophical outlined to very beginning of Genesis Chapter 3.

  6. This my opinion,. A real true original witch is of Satan the Devil. From the very beginning of the garden of Eden,Satan the Devil decieved Eve and rebelled against Jehovah at Genesis Chapter 3 explains why I believe that. Satan has practiced the true origins since his rebellion in the Garden of Eden. Witchcraft is Devil and Satanic whorship. The very origins of Witchcraft equal real witches connected with Satan the Devil.

  7. witchcraft is sorcery and the power comes from demonic forces, anton lavey said it himself, there’s no such thing as white witchcraft, all magick comes from the fallen angels of hell.

    1. @ckakalak2 I know no one’s belief will change it just sucks when a bunch of Christians always tell me that I’m a satanic fiend that works with the devil and sacrafices babies and that I’ll burn in hell for eternity just because I believe in a god and goddess and the universe and that I do witchcraft. Sorry if my comment came off rude I’m just being devensive.

      I personally believe that when I die my soul will roam the cosmos and I will go to where my soul’s home is in the cosmos and then I’ll be reincarnated again either on the earth again or somewhere else where there is life.

    2. @Vokun Tell me where in this thread I said that is my belief? Even if it is, what good is MY BELIEF in what really happens to your soul in the afterlife? It wont weigh a cent when it comes to the final decision as to where you personally will go. That is up to you and how you choose to execute your life. NO ONES belief whether they agree with you or not will change that. Why so much time on such an irrelevant point?

    3. @ckakalak2 and you’ve clearly been mislead in life if you think that people who don’t believe in God and Jesus will burn and be tourted for eternity when they die. To me that sounds pretty evil.

  8. I have learned so much about this stuff. Ive been a Christian for 4 years. Ive been baptized and I hold fast to the Christian way. I do believe that she is telling the truth. I grow up with both witchcraft abd Christianity in my life. I believe both and love both. There is a difference when it comes to this. Black magic and white magic. She is purely white magic. It has nothing to do with Satan. Only black magic dose which is what most people see and hear about. So please dont confuse this with being lies or pure Satan . there is a difference and I have experience both. There is no lie here .

    1. @Nicole Ryan we are all sinners, witch or not, you can’t say that you haven’t sinned once in your life, there’s also no harm in doing witchcraft with only good intentions. besides, if we curse someone intentionally, we get hit by the rule of three

    2. @Deeds ummm no lol
      paganism can be greek,norse,egyptian paganism
      they don’t worship Baal or Ishtar
      and christmas was made by pagans not Nimrod

    3. @Nicole Ryan also. I’m Jewish originally. So am I still a satanists since I didn’t believe in Jesus?

  9. In Judaism the satan, (adversary), is not a personification of evil. Ha satan works under the direction of Yahweh in the testing of human beings.
    In exoteric Christianity you may be correct in saying that Satan is the personification, but in esoteric/gnostic Christianity he is the adversary of man for mans sake.
    “Opposition is true friendship”, William Blake.

    1. ckakalak2 I recall that Satan is the one that tempts eve in the garden then so the natural destruction of man begins but later in Jesus comes on the scene to defeat Satan on the cross which was a way of dying for a persons faults. It’s understood though before all of that Satan was a light bearer it mentions it in the Bible at one time that fell to earth because of his pride. Do you get what I say? I’m trying to make it easy to understand

    2. This does not add up. Yahweh would go through such lengths to oppose the thing that he/she/it created, jut to bring us “closer” ?
      I think the word “works” need to be removed

      Insinuating Yahweh enjoys both giving us life and at the same time slaughtering us for the sake of “bringing us closer”
      Does not add up. Not from what the Word tells us and what Yahweh shows us

  10. True Witches & Wiccans never harm children or animals, much less ride on brooms or have green skin. & not all are elderly women.
    Witchcraft nor Wicca & Satanism have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other. Neither have anything in common. Do some research. If someone calls themself a “witch” who practises satanism..that is a POSER giving REAL witches a bad name. A Witch is a Witch, a Wiccan is a Wiccan, & a satanist is a satanist.
    & REAL Witches/Wiccans do not even believe in “satan” lol. They are very different from each other.

    1. REAL witches do whatever they chose with their craft. This is a practice, wiccans tend to do the same as Christians, so that they can look good in the eyes of their opposers.

    2. But you can practice witchcraft as a satanist too i mean Lilith is a bright of Lucifer and also in wiccas belief there is the baphomet Who is representetion of Lucifer so yeah how you say a witch is a witch, a Wiccan is a Wiccan and a satanist is a satanist but we all are pagans

  11. well witch craft alone spawned up in different many traditions before paganism theres all kind of witches you got some like my self tht work with both forces of darkness and light now the dark side is not all evil like alot of ppl say but there is some spirits u cant rlly trust all spirits are neutral i dont believe in good and evil like most of the religious community does i dont consider my self to be part of any religious society i just consider my self as a grey sorcerer now you got many types of black magicians and white magicians now u got ppl tht consider them selves what is called a demonic magician then u got angelic witches tht work with angels then u got some tht dont call em demons or angels becouse they are actually ancient gods of worship some just got demonized by christianity and some became angels in christianity then u got some like me tht dont worship gods becouse we believe in accending into godhood wich means becoming a god by working with ancient gods to open ur third eye to become more enlightened and u got many other witches wich i will not say them all becouse theres alot of forms of black magick such as voodu so ye thts all for now

  12. The answer is yes. Now get out of here and stop researching dark arts. It will only lead to suffering.

    1. @thotslayer because to me there were always demons always Angel’s just fallen Angel’s came after they rebelled but that all depends on your perception ofcourse

    2. @thotslayer well I guess it depends on where you think it all started but for me it started that there were always demons but fallen angels came afterwards because if you look at a chart of a hierarchy of hell you’ll notice the the are just demons then going up you see the princess of hell and satan

    3. @thotslayer demons are like the people who fly economy class and fallen Angel’s are business class and that would make the princes of a hell and satan the king first class

    4. @thotslayer well those are more accurately called fallen Angel’s if I’m not mistaken and that’s not all demons that’s just a another almost like a higher class of hell

    5. @thotslayer and no . Demons hate it when you disrespect them that’s not to say all demons are good some are completely monsters and evil

    1. @Pat Saxon there is no devil in wicca or any other pagan religion. however, there are christian witches too and there are satanist witches as well. Most importantly Phillys Currot is a wiccan witch

    2. @Pat Saxon there are different types of witchcraft(for example satanism and wicca are two different types of witchcraft. satanism is evil and wicca is not. first of all there is not only one devil. devil is actually the dark side of humans. when they die they become negetive energies) and not all of them believe in evil

    3. @Pat Saxon so you think science is not real? all the biochemists who perform experiments using different compounds to produce drugs(or medicines you can say) are satanists?it’s now proven that you are an uneducated and narrow minded person

    4. @Patrick Saxon first of all there is not only one devil, devil means evil sides of living things.
      christian is not the only religion that exist in this world.

  13. There is a difference between satanists and wiccans. There is also a difference between being wiccan while practicing witchcraft and practicing witchcraft on its own. Not all witches are wiccan.

    1. @Nishtha Nayak Any religion that is not related to Jesus Christ is satanic and that also includes the jewish faith not recognizing Jesus Christ as their savior. You must leave your evil wicked ways and repent and accept Jesus Christ or you will end up in hell.

  14. Thank you for this people use to yell and say its evil and that it all envoles satan sorry for spelling

    1. Pat Saxon “The original Hebrew word used in Exodus, translated as “witch,” is mekhashepha. But what that word actually meant when Exodus was written thousands of years ago, we cannot know, leaving us with only modern interpretations.”-Haaretz

      “Might Exodus refer to herbalists or poisoners, instead of witches?” -Haaretz

    2. I would suggest talking with a minister about this, as he will know the truth and explain it to you. According to the bible, “Thou shaw not suffer a witch”.

  15. Poeple are confused tjust beacuse the church of satan took our symbol dont mean were like them wicca is the religion that lasted for years even when christianity was made

    1. @The Seeker Yes, christians will tell that Wicca is an evil cult, created by the devil. You are being deceived, Wicca is evil! Thou shaw not suffer a witch to live.

    2. @Patrick Saxon
      Why the f__k would I need to ask a christian to tell me about witchcraft? Since when are christians an authority on the subject? And why should a christian’s opinion be valued over any other’s?

    3. @Patrick Saxon In Christianity, anything opposing your god’s will is “evil.” Yours is a cult; the true evil. You are little more than slaves to this cult leader’s whims.

    1. @Hllyen Aylleth That is why you are blind, child.

      If only you could see yourselves as I see you, gnats waiting to be crushed underfoot.

    2. @shut beak Hey, how are you? Well met, if you do not mind, would like to call you friend most heartily, and God bless you as well.

    1. @Nicole Ryan How about when the church murdered and forced other religions into there’s, Witchcraft, Wicca love all life,

    2. Pat Saxon satanism isn’t when you worship satan lmao I am a satanist and it’s just that we believe we are our own god, and we don’t listen to a higher being, I am also a Wiccan meaning I do believe in the horned god and the triple moon and ansuz

    1. @Nicole Ryan Six years… Hah! Pitiful old hag. Your false, dying god’s labelling won’t stop us.

    2. @Nicole Ryan bible thumper just because you read google facts all day dosent make you intelligent..why are you on this video in the first place you Inadequate little queef

    3. @Nicole Ryan no christian can seem to answer this question…why do you believe in god..?

    4. @Nicole Ryan you dont know anything about my personal life nor do you know me..bottom line cut and dry

    5. @Nicole Ryan also may I add that you’re being a hypocrite..your saying we dont know anything about god like most of us weren’t brought up in Christian homes

  16. Everyday when i lookat wicca at howcast i see anti wiccans everywhere listen to the video before u comment p.s we dont care if u think were devil worshippers keep ur christian stuff to yourselves

    1. Hello, I would like to know if you receive a notification for a 7 year old comment. I hope you are well.

  17. @RHallman321
    How does the lack of belief (or belief of the lack) in your god make one satanic? If the bible states that satan can only take on a single form, then how is it even possible for the worship of Isis, Hecate, Osiris, Apollo, etc. to all be satanic? Wicca is Wicca. Satanism is satanism. The birth of Christianity was the birth of the christian character satan.

    1. All these names are simply the means to desribe the unspeakable. “Christian” concept of Satan is not originally Christian, nor is it unique in the world – similar concepts were present in all cultures throughout the ages and the Adversary is therefore known by many names. Still you are right about one thing. I have literally no idea how can anyone be THAT stupid to actually think that “using the image of Satan as a symbol of indifference” has anything to do with the unspeakable depths of the actual occult and magic. RHallman321 has the sharpest steel knife and a nylon knife for kids lying on the table and he points at the latter as “the real thing”. 

  18. This dumb bitch just perfectly described Satanism! Satanists don’t believe in Satan or have him as their deity, either! True Satanists are atheists of the strictest sense who use the image of Satan as a symbol of their indifference to all religions & the insanity that they preach! Sorry, but witchcraft’s origins stem from the occult world, same as Satanism! They’re both in the same category, like it or not!

    1. Jesus wasn’t any of those things…

      In fact most of his current “followers”/Christians are literally nothing like what Jesus taught and they would of killed him for being a POC, Feminist, Liberal who practiced his own Magic ^^;

  19. Youre all fools…jesus was a carpenter and gifted with…oooh should I dare say…magik!!! Bible thumpers beware…christianity is THE most dangerous and fanatical of ALL religions

    1. @Pat Saxon 🤣🤣🤣 I guess ur jesus is in hell for having so many people killed in his name no wonder we cannot see sense or feel him now sad case

    1. Alexander Morales Witches pray too. Not to evil things, but the Source. There are many names for this source, but it is all the same thing. We all worship literally the same thing. It takes an awakened mind to know this.

    1. Alexander Morales thanks for telling innocent people that they are evil and will burn for an eternity because they believe in earths properties and not in straight white men.

  20. Actually, the concept of the Accuser, or the Opposer (which is the exact meaning of Hebraic הַשָּׂטָן) is much older than the Abrahamic religions. It is one of the oldest spiritual concepts in the world actually. And by saying “leave us alone, we are not Satanists” you actually state that Satanists deserve less religious freedom than you do because they “believe in personified evil”. This is the worst and the least effective strategy of fight for freedom of religion.

  21. No there is no satan in wicca. Pagan is just appreciating nature of the universe. So no. And yes people who claimed to be witched are automatic ” burned at the stake.”. And by the was easter and christmas yafda yadda are forms of pagan worship. Why do you hunt eggs on the day of jesus’ resurrection? I’ll wait….

  22. hey your argument if you realize it is invalid. i didnt like something so i stated so and unsubed. THAT WAS IT. why did you have to comment eh? think about that one . lol

  23. The satanic way of life resides on the US government way to control people with fanatism (patriotism in exchange of a bullet in their military heads in meadle east wars) while they manipulte people, at the same time adore lucifer and ocultism stuff and at the same manipulated population denies what they are doing making the goverment business more easier to go with the flow.

  24. The title is “Is Witchcraft a Form of Satanism? | Wicca”. Real straight forward. The real question is: why are you all here?

    1. Cuz I’m a lose Christian who wants to learn witchcraft and make sure I’m not summoning the devil

  25. ps read the comments….others feel the same. they want a wicca whatever channel. make one. how cast is how to do stuff. not bs religion.

  26. I do believe in Jesus Christ and that God is The God, but I don’t believe he would want us to tell people to “go to hell” because they are a different religion. I am sure he would want us to love our neighbor. And if she is on the path of the devil, God would want us to help bring her to the right path. Insults usually lead them astray.

  27. You people are ignorant, just because you don’t like THEIR religion because it isn’t yours doesn’t mean it’s wrong, and there actually is only a devil if you believe there is one. Its not evil. So eff off.

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