Truth about the Evil Eye: Seeking protection against al-‘Ayn – Yasir Qadhi | February 2011

To many people the ‘Evil Eye’ is just superstitious beliefs and fabricated myths of old… to others it’s an excuse of placing the blame for everything wrong in their lives. So what is the Evil-Eye? …Is it a myth, superstition or reality? Shaykh Yasir Qadhi discusses this important topic of this burning jealousy of the heart that has the potential to harm the opposite person. Recorded on February 2011 [shop-page-wp category=’halal superfoods’ grid=’4′ max_number=’4′]
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  1. as a non-Muslim, I appreciate these moral teachings.  nice to see Islam isn’t all about beheading people for not believing.

    1. Omg. Read more about Islam! Cannot believe u have this thought … can only be ignorance

    2. @Ashwayn Oflin You are spreading a lot of none-sense and simply false information. Regarding Aisha
      “We conclude from all the evidence cited above that Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was nineteen years old when she joined the Holy Prophet as his wife in the year 2 A.H., the nikah or betrothal having taken place five years previously.”
      I don’t know what made you hate Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) this much that even your channel picture is a board with Prophet Mohamed written on it and arrows going through it. Do you really think that by you quoting a verse from here and there without context or understanding that you are somehow bashing Islam that way and showing the truth? Don’t waste your life arguing with half sentences and quotes without hard backed proofs. Go learn and research more and perhaps you would truly see the light one day.

    3. @Nur Sufiyaan Noble. poor idiot it appears you are brain dead and I know more islam than you
      Hadith 4:260
      Narrated Ikrima:
      Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn ‘Abbas, who said, “Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, ‘Don’t punish (anybody) with Allah’s Punishment.’ No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, ‘If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.’ “

    4. @Nur Sufiyaan Noble. O yes marrying a little girl of 6 years and have sex with her at 9 years when she first bled letting his men rape females after battle battles mad mohammed started trying to force his crazed cult on people What muslims refuse the accept is 99% of the MECCA wanted to pray to their own Gods and Goddess the Jews to their god how many jews heads did mohammed call to be cut off

  2. What if was jealousy like back in the days where the African Americans weren’t being treated the way the whites were treated.

    1. What?
      Thats different, those white supremacists will go hell no doubt, treating a human fellow as though they are nothing. Same goes with the Arab nations that treat their black people with bad treatment, God will punishment for treating human beings so badly. You sound extremely narrow minded, who would be jealous of the person hurting you? Authubillah

  3. “Allahumma inni A’udhu bi kalimat-Allah il-tammah
    min kulli shaytanin wa hammah
    wa min kulli ‘aynin lammah”
    ”I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from every devil and poisonous reptile, and from every envious evil eye.”

    1. Bismillahi ar raqiqa min kulli shayin yudika wa min kulli sarri nafsin wa aynin wa hasidin. Allah yashfiqa. Bismillah ar raqiqa.

  4. Excellent lecture for understanding the evil eye & the way to protect your self.

  5. we are are all produced through evolution were all jealous because life is unfare without the poor there would be no rich visa versa just dont worry too much becasuse karma gets these people

  6. wow a lot of wisdom and he can explain it, that i can understand it. thank you for telling me about allahs wisdom. i found a spirit calling himself abu al salam and i believe it’s allah and i trust him since i found him some weeks ago and it pays off every day.

  7. “Don’t put your trust in your tactics, but put your trust in God/Allah”

  8. What if I saw a dream and know who tht person is but can’t reach tht person?

  9. many of the scholars say that “ma sha Allah” is not enough to protect from giving ayn and many of the scholars of the past and of today said that the verse in suratul kahf is not evidence of removing ayn. There is a hadith about a sahabi giving ayn to another sahabi and from this many of the scholars say the best way to protect yourself from giving ayn if you see something you like, ask for Blessings for the person. I.E. saying perhaps : Barak Allahu feeh(i) (male (him))/ feeha (her) -for female)/   feek (you- male)/ feeki (f)/ feekum/ e.t.c…

    or Allahumma barak laki/ lak (a) /laha/lahu/lahum/lakum e.t.c…

    may Allah bless it for you e.t.c.

    as long as there is something of baraka mentioned and this will help with not giving your br or sr evil eye. Ma sha Allah alone doesn’t really help and Allah knows best.

    1. your reading too much into ancient writing everybodys views are different too many people playing god 

    1. It is a letter but what he means is “عين” which means “eye” or evil eye

  10. Thank you for preaching about the evil eye. You’ve taught me a lot! Thank you 🙂

  11. 3yin will not exist if you don’t believe in it. If you do believe in it, heed this persons advice. In the same way, if someone seeks and finds Satan, he will be in Satans court. If someone seeks and finds G-d, then he will be accountable by G-d’s standards. If someone believes in the 3yin, the 3yin will exist, and they will feel it creeping in their lives. If not, and one does not believe in 3yin, then it it will not affect them supernaturally. The ghayoor (jealous) can go out of their way and sneak so that they destroy what you have and you may see it as the 3yin, but in reality, if you don’t believe in it, how can it affect you?

    1. +Stones Jones w 3lakum assalam.
      It affects people with pride. That’s why nabi Yosif assadiq made his children coming from different directions in Egypt. All this feeling you have inside you that someone is jealous is just that, a feeling. It just goes to show that you are supposed to hide everything that is given from fadhal rubbie, because what God gives you is not meant to be enjoyed by anyone other than yourself. I believe ayin affects, but to what extent is debatable and for the pious, negligible. The tradition of saying God’s name after complimenting comes from sunnah, and you could say anything really, like Insha2llah, hamdallah, anything, as long as God’s name is present. The prayer that they make with their jealous eye won’t hurt you if you’re pious, and don’t believe in it. Even in sunnah, there is a story about a man who complained that someone gave him the evil eye, and he took water from the wudu of the evil eye giver and felt better. Even hadeeth and the commentators say that the man believed he had an evil eye on him, not that it affected him because he didn’t believe it.

    2. but you havent asnwered my simple question bro.
      Also ayin is not something only affecting people with pride.
      Also I think it’s not bad to be proud of a sincere accomplishment. Having fought against disease and some pride is good, but not the arrogant pride. If ayin were to affect only people with big pride all thse celebrities would be affected.
      I can feel it sometimes when someone has that real jaelous feeling, you can see it in their faces. Although im not proud or arrigant, some people still cant even help it but be jealous, its in their nature. I hate that. I always say mashalah when I feel something. Or as I have just leartn ‘mashallah’ isnt what we ‘re suppose to say but ‘allahoemabarikfeha’. There is a video about that.
      But as you can read, it’s not just with people with pride, it is the energy of the person giving the evil eye. Without even saying the words ‘allahoemabrekfiha’ or not even mashallah. They go with their ego..with the jealousy. Sometimes even when you have almost nothing, but one thing he or she desires..But its not everybody I think, it is said that some people really posess that evil eye, and those are the ones that can makes a person very sick.
      “minshari 7asad’ . Jealousy.
      Salaam oe haleikoum.

    3. +Stones Jones Ayin isn’t all that bad. The reason for its function is because people become proud of what they have, and technically, pride is one of those things that can get you killed, because it’s the same thing that caused Iblees to become Shaytan and Faroon to keep Bani Israel in captivity. Satan was cut off and Faroon drown in water. Good Muslims are not supposed to be proud of anything done by their own accomplishment. The ayin is saving you from death by afflicting you with its afflictions, by the permission from God, it’s not from Shaytan or other people. When people see something one is proud of, and they get jealous, it’s almost like a prayer against them in heaven, it’s not the power of the jealousy, but of the prayer the person made when they said “why does ____ have it so good? why can’t I have that?” That simple line can cause ayin to descend. If you don’t believe in it, worse things will happen if you get too proud, but if you aren’t a proud person, and don’t believe in ayin, it won’t affect you.

    4. Salam bro.
      But you believe in this all right? If then in koran the evil eye is mentioned, how do you choose to not believe that part?
      ps. I really hate that evil eye exists, that someone can just with his jealousy make your life miserable. But it’s all with the qadr of Allah tho.

    5. +Stones Jones There’s a difference between ghayoub and mubayeen. Ghayoub is when something is unseen, literally in Arabic “missing”. Mubayeen means apparent. 3yin isn’t mubayeen, it’s ghayoub. Things that are ghayoub require belief to work. If you don’t believe in salat, salat is not accepted from you even if you perform them perfectly. If you don’t believe in angels, they don’t take your prayers up to God, and you’ll have to cry during salat if you want them to heard. Salat is ghayoob, once said, it’s gone and it gets taken to God. Angels are also part of the ghayib. If you don’t believe in either, they don’t help you.

  12. If i jelous of a person isn’t muslim, i think i can’t make a du’a to this person. right?  Can someone answer to my question. Salam Alecum wa raxmatullahi wa Baracatu

    1. As-Salam ‘alayk
      Ya akhi, never stop making du’a requesting guidance for all.

      When we ourselves are jealous of someone, then among the cures is to make du’a for that person we are envious of or give gifts to each other.

  13. Allah isn’t no moon or moon god. He is god, that created everyone including little arrogant fucks like you kid. Why watch this vid anyway you dumbfuck.

  14. anyone knows the title of the full lecture? because it seems that he is talking about something else before he went off on this tangent

  15. Best dua is masha Allah tabarakallah…… because everything is from Allah swt so Hasad (jealousy) does not enter our hearts. Only a filthy heart allows jealousy to grow.  

  16. From Ibn Abbas who said the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- used to seek refuge for al-Hassan and al-Hussein, he would say:

    ‘I seek refuge for you two with Allaah’s perfect words from every Shaytaan (devil) and poisonous creature and every evil eye.’

    He -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said that this is how Ibrahim used to seek refuge for Ishaaq and Ismaeel.’
    [Collected by Bukhari & Tirmidhi with the extra wording, authenticated by Albaani]

  17. They are coming to take you all away ha ha
    to the funny farm where life beautiful everyday.
    Send for the men in white coats, ha ha he said jealous just as mad mohammed was at the Pagan Meccans

  18. So what do u do u do when your spouse gets you jealous intentionally, but plays stupid, is that on you?

  19. The evil eye is so unfairrrrr! Why do people have that much power to ruin your life with their jealously in an invisible way? Ya Allah

    1. Whatever happens, it only happens by the will of Allah. And Allah will take care of it.

    2. MyLifeTales don’t think that way .. it’s a test and god will reward you and there are ways to protect yourself
      God has the power over all .. so seek his refuge

  20. Dear Brother Yasir, When it comes to Khabar al-Wahid, Sahih is not enough to say that the prophet really said it. Anything short of Tawaatur does not give certainty but probability. Sahih Isnaad strengthens probability but does not convert a hadith into certainty. Please do a google search for “khabar al-wahid and conjecture” and inshallah you will see what I mean. Perhaps you can give a talk on this topic of khabar al-wahid being conjectural. This is where Salafis have messed up.

  21. Allahumma innii au3uthu bikalimatiillahi taamah, minn kulli shaydanin wahaammah, wa min kulli 3aynillaamah.

  22. أعوذبكلمات اللّه التّامّة من كلّ شيطان وهامّة ومن كلّ عين لامّة

  23. And you have clicked on this video because you thought this man makes a cover? Or just to annoy us with your senseless comments?

  24. Ajeeb, i always used to think it was the power of the eye… like the superman thing he just made fun of! May Allah reward you for the clarification!

  25. I wish many American people would accept this culture with an open mind! I’m so interested because of who I am and what I have experienced!. I really appreciate your videos!

    1. @Joris De LaatHow can you give your life to jesus! When he did not get crucified? Your one lost soul!

    2. @A J How can you give your life to Jesus Christ, while he gave his life for you?

  26. I mind my own business! I have had jelousy come for me thru people. My only defese to them is evil eye and I worry about it because I have done some powerful things!. my mind is powerful!. I’ve seen some amazing good spiritual experiences so I know I have the power of good with me but, when angry things really do happen!

    1. u seek refuge from God/ Allah because u cannot protect ur self by your self we all need God in our life

  27. I can be so kind to someone and be stabbed in the back so hard by people. I don’t go out of my way to put evil eye on anyone. I had a women who was causing real trouble in my life. I couldn’t take it anymore so I asked out loud with belief I was being heard!. for her to be cursed with disease. There were 4 women in 1apt and she was the only 1 who got staph in her eye! she lost her hair and had rashes all over her body! she admitted she was jelous of me. this is not the only time I have done this

    1. Rachel Martin May you be blessed as those people stay away from you. Ameen

  28. What dark evil uses this and uses this power through me? There an ancient spirit?.

  29. the evil is true!!!!! I have done it so many times. I didn’t know at that time but, now I know what this power is and it’s scary to me that I can cause damage to people and things when I’m so angry. Now that I’m aware of it I pray!

    1. Jodey Tailor that’s not very nice to say to a fellow human being. We are not perfect and we can’t judge

  30. getting sick does not necessarily mean people are giving you ‘ayn, getting sick can also be a purification of sin, so it could actually be good for you. I am not qualified to say any more

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