Manifesting in Your Life Part 1: Manifesting Your Desires | Manifestation Tips

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How do you manifest what you want in life? Sonia talks about manifesting your desires in Part 1 of Manifesting in Your Life!
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Today I’m going to do part 1 of a 3 part series, on how to successfully manifest the things you want to create in your life. Let’s face it, everyones learning about manifestation, everyones talking about manifestation but not everyone is succeeding. So we’re going to break it down into 3 parts, and today I’m going to talk about part 1, your desires in this episode of Manifestation Tips!

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Sonia Choquette is a globally celebrated and dynamic spiritual teacher, six-sensory consultant, enchanting storyteller, and transformational visionary guide, known for her delightful humor and skill in quickly shifting people out of difficulty and into flow. She is the author of 19 international bestselling books on intuitive awakening, personal growth, creativity, and transformational leadership including the New York Times bestseller “The Answer is Simple.”

Sonia is inspiring a global conscious movement around the truth that “We, as humans, are Divine Beings endowed with SIX senses to guide us through life” and insists that we must activate and rely on our innate sixth sense in order to make the most authentic, well-informed, healthy, and soul satisfying decisions possible.

00:00 – Manifesting in Your Life
00:32 – You can’t manifest unless you really want it
03:35 – It begins with your desires
04:35 – Name the things you love
07:47 – Notice what you love
09:01 – Outro

#ManifestingInYourLife #ManifestationTips #ManifestingYourDesires


  1. I am looking forward to learning from you. I got the book after I leasend to Michael Sanders. So I started to talke to my Angels 4am.and evening be for bed I am happy fill also light. I have to work on myself faith is hard on me. I am looking forward for the change I will see. Thank you for work you do.

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