Witchcraft, water bottles and white privilege | Katie Biittner | TEDxMacEwanU

Do you really want to perform powerful spells?
If you are sure you want to know this powerful ancient technique…
If you really want to control the destiny of your life with white magic…
If you want to be successful in love and money…
You should read this Witchcraft Secret Manual right now! Make sure to do it NOW… Master Esteban Portela offers the information for a limited time.
Make sure to do it NOW… Master Esteban Portela offers the information for a limited time.

The first time Dr. Katie Biittner (associate professor, anthropology at MacEwan University) was accused of witchcraft, she was shocked. The second time, she realized what the charge revealed about her – as a person and an archaeologist. In her talk, Katie digs into the time she spent in Africa studying the origins of humanity, and how she’s using what she learned – on and off the excavation site – to elevate the voices of the people who live in the communities she’s studying. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


  1. I’ll just say it right out front. This is a legit talk about what to do about privilege

  2. The privilege and Power came from the funders not the scientist and the scientists say what the funders pay them to say.
    Trust the science? Trust the funders!

  3. It wasn’t that bad, actually. The title might inflict some presuppositions about the talk’s content, but it was the wrong impression. I couldn’t find any resentment, misandry, oikophobia, nor SJW hubris that most of the critics had heard long before They launched the video. It is about being respectful towards the autochthones, their believes and customs. If You are upset that left-wingers seem to be immediately hostile against You and everything You represent without even knowing who You are, You should know by now, that it’s counter-productive and only leads to the escalation of the conflict. Therefore don’t be prejudiced, and give it a shot.

  4. This is an amazing talk, I enjoy how she was able to explain her experiences, what she learn from it and what she will do to improve.

  5. just a friendly reminder that witchcraft involves alchemy(making something out of nothing)… and you made nothing out of something, like you made this talk on Ted… so out of all due respect, you are not a witch. Maybe you’re good (debatable)… but no, put your philosophy aside and study craft properly before you say you’re a witch.

    A practicing, educated, non-privileged scholar and witch

  6. It’s amazing the acrobatics people will go through to miss the ACTUAL point of what she’s dating.
    Skip past the witchcraft part…and listen to her ACTUAL message

  7. Not only was there no point, but there is no guilt or shame in being white. She turned a misunderstanding into a racial issue and had to give a talk on it? She needs help.

  8. Lord bless u ……all scientists in the world because you are in trouble coming soon

    1. As a Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics major, you’re welcome for keeping your loved-ones healthy. Theoretically, if you had children would you substitute their vaccinations with prayer? Not discounting religion by any means, but lets be honest with ourselves here.. science isss the primary contributor to healing and saving lives. hehe. sowwy.

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