Witchcraft for Beginners : How to Setup a Spell in Witchcraft

Do you really want to perform powerful spells?
If you are sure you want to know this powerful ancient technique…
If you really want to control the destiny of your life with white magic…
If you want to be successful in love and money…
You should read this Witchcraft Secret Manual right now! Make sure to do it NOW… Master Esteban Portela offers the information for a limited time.
Make sure to do it NOW… Master Esteban Portela offers the information for a limited time.

Learn what you need to start casting spells in this free witchcraft for beginners video clip.

Expert: Caroline Genovese
Bio: Caroline Genovese has been practicing witchcraft for over 15 years, and she currently works at the “Center for the New Age” in Sedona, Arizona. Contact them at 928-282-2085
Filmmaker: Chuck Tyler


  1. This witch in this vid took dirt from a graveyard!! Hello,Hello,You witches will believe anything!!!! Seen my neptune vid!!hahhaaha

  2. Okay. We’ll then just have to agree to disagree. Just remember that if you’re right and I’m wrong, no major collateral damage in store for me. However, if I’m right and you’re wrong, “there’ll be hell to pay!” Why? Is God on some ego trip to need to resort to threats to get people to follow Him? No. He’s doing us a favor by giving us a clue as to how serious and offensive our rebellion is? Do yourself a favor and read the fourth book in the New Testament – John. Make an informed decision.

  3. I’m sorry that you feel that this religion is devil inspired. I doubt that anything that anyone says will change your mind. However, I wish that you’d be willing to respect others’ differences, especially when it comes to something so personal like religion. Brightest Blessings.

  4. which post are you refering to the mutliple names like bluefirewitch etc yes they are youtube users

  5. ive just read that back im not having a pop at you but the way ive written it is poor apologies

  6. well i do have to say that even though your right about the hollywood aspect of your point please understand the truth about the subject your talking about or you are just as bad as those hollywood diectors spreading misinformation

  7. Wiccans:-bluefirewitch, PaganTV, Neopagan2007,
    MagickTv, AmberThinks, TipToeChick

    Druids:-AwensVoice, DruidTV, damhbard, Gypsy65

  8. Wicca also owes a hell of a lot to Druidry and the continued efforts of the Druids that have preserved our herratige and helped path the way for new beleifs to be accepted ive included a list of users on youtube id like you to check out some are wiccan some are druid all are priceless on your journey for knowledge

  9. The hollywood virsion is a dramatisation of the reality, where modern day witches manipulate energy for their workings hollywood decided to put colour and light where in real life the energy is felt and rarely seen, it is purely a fiction to sell movies and tv shows but it has also helped give a negative and false view of the faith and what it stands for in its core belief.

  10. Wicca was indeed created by Gardner in the 50’s though there are reports that his original coven date bake to the 30’s however this claim as alson not been proven. the Alexandrian tradition is an off shoot from Gardinarian, created by Jannet and Stuart Farrar the writers of a witches bible.. shortly followed by the many traditions now seen today such as Celtic and Dianic.

  11. Its a modern virsion based off knowledge of the past as well as sharmanism and celtic mytos. the wiccan rede is a rewrite from Thelima from “do what you will shall be the whole of the law” to “do what ye will an it harm none” the charge of the goddess is reported to have been written by Doreen Valientie though there is controvercy regarding this, there is also no direct liniage of heriditory witches as written by Margaret Murray her theory was later proved inacurate

  12. paganism is ancient the branches of paganism today owe a lot to the records of the romans and other obsucure documents based on written accounts by the church and that of arciological finds recon groups have been piecing together the past beliefs of the pagans Wicca on the other hand is a modern belief system based off the work of Gerald Gardner who was heavily influenced by friend Alister Crowley who was the founder of Thelima Wicca is not ancient by any stretch of the imagination cont..

  13. Some can look so good, mixing a lot of truth with a little error; but it’s that “little error” that keeps people from repenting of their sins and trusting in Christ alone for their salvation!

  14. No, Luther didn’t take out anything. Those books were added in what was called the Counter Reformation by the Catholic Church. They needed to have a “biblical” basis for some of their more erroneous doctrines (e.g., Purgatory), which were supported in the very books the Jews rejected as part of the Old Testament canon centuries before! And yes, any religion that tries to get to God another way is devil inspired. Cont.

  15. It just means that other religions exist. The type of thought that argues that other religions are devil inspired are what caused wars to be fought in the name of religion and other perescution like the burning times. Oh, there is a typo in my second sentence in the comment box above it should read: I learned what I know of the Bible through classes that I took, sermons I attended, and my own readings of it from when I followed Christianity. Brightest Blessings.

  16. Ok, I’ve never read DaVinci Code, so that makes it a little hard to put any kind of stock into it. I learned what I know from the Bible because of classes I took when I was a follower of Christianity. Luther took out books of the Bible, and I’ve read those books (I happen to have a Catholic Bible as well as a NIV). I’m not so sure about the inaccuracies that you talk about. Just because there are other religions out there that do not follow your god does not make them devil inspired. Cont.’d

  17. You see what you want to see, but we have the Bible in its original languages to hold translations accountable. As far as books being taken out, they were taken out due to obvious historical errors or doubtful authorship. The ones that made the cut met all those criteria. Don’t put so much stock in Dan Brown’s DaVinci Code!

  18. Yes, each one has his own path, but that’s the problem when Jesus said, “I am the way…” As far as being “devil inspired,” if it directs people away from Jesus, yes. It is. “Angel of light?”

  19. I don’t know where you’ve gotten your info., but what we have in our hands today is trustworthy because we have over 24,000 copies of the originals to compare our Bible to. No work from antiquity even comes close in number of copies, time between original and earliest copies and percentage of inconsequential errors.

  20. As for the Wiccan religion it teachs to live in perfect love and trust. Hmmm…. does that sound devil inspired? Each person has their own path in life, so why can’t you just see past the differences and just get along with others? Brightest Blessings.

  21. You say that I have been “been blinded and duped”. I’m sorry but you’re wrong, I’ve believed in your God and have found other paths, as many other people have. We all have to share this world and so that means that we need to get along. Besides the Bible has been through so many translations and books have been taken out, how can you be sure that what you have is the intended version? People change things for their own benefit, so why not change a religious book? Continued

  22. Appear as an angel of light? That makes sense when you look at Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, Sarah Palin, Pat Robertson and James Dobson. Looking for the real Illuminati? Look no further than the Christian Right.

  23. hence the life lesson is learned if we pass the buck and just ask for forgivness what did we learn did we face the consiquences of that action we took or did we just blame the devil and then begged god to forgive us ignoring the mistake we made and hope god wiped the slate clean? being sorry for an action is natural but we must face our mistakes and admit it was us our dicision to take that action out of free will and not some influence from a devil we screwed it no one else thats hard to accept

  24. the answer for me at least is simple its ..is this decision im about to make inspired by love what are my goals here if the answer is not love then its not from god if its for manipulation then it is a negative thing which god only wants us to stare down not participate in and learn from as it offers no value to anyone.. we cannot pass the responsability over to an all negative being, we dont learn from that the devil didnt make me do it i made me do it.. its harder to face when youre to blame

  25. the bible may have been intended as the inspired word of god however human inperfection crept in and the inspired word was diluted by scheming minds there was a commity from the catholic church i think that decided what stayed and what went thats not inspired thats censorship and corruption .. why not start again instead of editting the first inspired word why was it allowed to be eddited?

  26. Have you ever heard that Satan can appear as an “Angel of Light?” Giving Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons, and Mohammed, founder of Islam, the benefit of the doubt, that’s who they got their “scriptures” from. Can a Wicca follower expect to fare better, especially considering how far out your views are compared to God’s inspired, revealed Word – the Bible?

  27. we need god to feel the way we do so we can relate but in truth god has already passed the need for want of a better term to feel those negative emotions so god can empathise god wants us to get past that just as it did that is our goal to learn and move past the negative the devil doesnt exist its free will that causes the negative as well as the positive not some horned red creature its up to us to choose the right path we are guided by love but in the end the choice is ours to make

  28. god does not expect me to be perfect god expects me to make mistakes and learn from them, god is love and would never disown me, i will have to face my mistakes in this life or the next but i will never be cast out from gods love an all loving being who is incapable of hate couldnt do that, we want to project our negative emotions onto god but that could never be as god is perfect god doesnt feel jealous we do, god doesnt hate we do

  29. i thank you for the concern for my emortal soul i truely do but with all seriousness fear not i love the “which god” of your comment the truth is the devine spirit, the creator which ever term the user prefers it is the same entity it goes by many names across the globe but for the sake of argument i will refer to this entity as god which unfortunatly is a male definition and god is in truth androginous god loves me god knows im not perfect im but a child who needs to learn lifes lessons

  30. Which “god is love?” Look, I don’t want to pick on Wicca as being the only religion of the devil. Biblically, Mormons, Roman Catholics, liberal Protestants and Emergent Church folks are “of the devil” too! In fact, at most only 50% of Evangelical church members are truly “of Christ.” The others are false converts and “of the devil.” Don’t take it too personally, but on the other hand, DO…and change! Otherwise, hellfire awaits you for all eternity!

  31. im sorry you feel that way and i also know i will never change your mind regarding the devil thing, but i suspect you have been told so many times we dont recognise any devil figure as to do so we would also have to recognise your chosen aspect of deity Jesus Christ which we dont. this doesnt however mean we dont recognise “god” or our term “deity” any less than you we just go by different names, again i know you wont go with that but its all good opinions can differ god is love blessings to you

  32. he never will as he knows its gets to you just laugh and be strong in your faith may the god and goddess bless you on your path blessed be )O(

  33. i have to disagree Wicca isnt ancient paganism is however. Wicca was created by Gerald Gardner and it became public in the 1950’s shortly after the anti witchcraft laws were abolished in the uk many who follow the pagan path prefer to place themselves under the lable of paganism where in actuallity we should class ourselves as neopagans neo meaning new as original pagan paths didnt write down their beliefs it was word of mouth its mostly reconstructed from 3rd parts acounts + arciological finds

  34. Unfortunately, you’ve been blinded and duped. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way – He’s the only one who offers a solution for man’s basic problem (i.e., sin); hence, any other “way” is nothing more than a road to hell – and you’re on it! Take the next exit, repenting of your sins and placing your faith and trust in Jesus as your Savior and Lord! If you don’t, your “religion” will take you straight to hell!

  35. It’s not from the devil. It’s just a religion that is different from yours, that does not make it evil. If you truly knew what this religion is I doubt that you would say it’s evil, I know this from experience. Brightest Blessings.

  36. This is very interesting but someone has to PLEASE respond to this comment.

    I’m interested in this stuff but I AM A Christian, and I intend to stay Christian and I may feel guilty doing this stuff. And can someone tell me some basics that I should start out with and exactly WHY do these spells work? Who answers them?

  37. @ IMJEFF2
    using magic, doesn’t depend on your believe. In fact, you believe the same, as wiccan; but you use another picture to imagine it.
    Of course, you can use magic. Even if you pray, you use a form of magic.

  38. If any of you are witches, tell me, is it possible to practice witchcraft and still be a christian?

  39. All spiritual practice is “correct” because all spiritual and religious practice is a pursuit of union with Truth.

    Truth is a universal concept, which is not affected by the differing of mankind’s thought-form opinions. The problem is that people mistake -accepted- Truths for universally singular, undeniable, unaffected Truth.

    This is an expression of the ego – notice how people defend religion emotionally, not logically?

    Atheists and skeptics are as egotistical as religiosos. Live & let

  40. I dont think people should put videos up about their religion because people will always have something bad to say about it and it just causes anger. Everyones religion can seem weird to some body. If only we could all get over the details…

  41. “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT. NO ONE gets to the Father except through ME.”
    — Jesus Christ

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