What Is Witchcraft? | Wicca

Do you really want to perform powerful spells?
If you are sure you want to know this powerful ancient technique…
If you really want to control the destiny of your life with white magic…
If you want to be successful in love and money…
You should read this Witchcraft Secret Manual right now! Make sure to do it NOW… Master Esteban Portela offers the information for a limited time.
Make sure to do it NOW… Master Esteban Portela offers the information for a limited time.

Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDrhzUDVL431cuazPH77pC18s

Watch more How to Understand Wicca videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/513863-What-Is-Witchcraft-Wicca

Witchcraft is the pre-Christian, indigenous tradition of the British Isles and also the Celtic countries, which included Ireland and France and little bit of Germany. The Celts were all over the place, Italy, northern Italy. It is a religion because it’s practiced by a community of people. It’s a spiritual path that’s very personal, because it’s practiced by each person on their own. It’s a personal spiritual practice. Witchcraft is about taking off the blindfold to see the sacred in the world, in the natural world, in other people, and in yourselves. It’s a way of discovering the presence of the divine and of making magic with it. It’s ancient. It was brutally persecuted, which began in the 1400s with a lot of distortions, including the false accusation that witches worshiped Satan, which they do not.

Satan is a strictly, entirely, utterly Biblical character. He is the property of the Abrahamic faiths. He’s their personification of evil. And witchcraft has no Satan. It has a very different idea about evil, because for us the divine is expressed in the natural world, and you don’t find evil in the natural world. If you’re walking through the jungle and a tiger eats you for lunch, it’s a tragedy for you and your family. But it doesn’t make the tiger evil. It makes him a tiger. And so witchcraft becomes, especially in modern times, it’s a way of bringing us back into contact with the wisdom of our ancestors, because it is an ancestral wisdom tradition.

And it brings us back into contact with the natural as an embodiment of the divine. It’s a way of bringing ourselves into harmony with the natural world, with the cycles of the seasons, with the cycles of the moon which are particularly meaningful for women, because our bodies literally correspond to the 28-day cycle. And our ages as a young woman, as a mother, and as a crone, and older woman correspond to the phases of the moon, the new moon, the full moon, and the waning moon. So within nature is a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom, and witchcraft is one of the rediscovered paths to being in relationship with the natural world as a spiritual teacher.


  1. Depends of what you think of nature, but you see world’s order is chaos, everything tends towards it- example a corn field unattended for 1 year, you wont be able to find it, and when everything tends to chaos, human tends to survive in that chaos, from the moment you were slapped (when born)- beginnning of the battle, to the end of your life you are fighting against nature(not with sword) and outer elements- so called adaption.Everything is against you.It’s just a diffferent way of watching

  2. This is so true. Nature can’t be evil. Only man-made religions are evil. Especially the Abrahamic faiths.

    1. How are we evil? Why can’t you let ppl life their lives? That just tells us you’re the evil person.

  3. She stated in a previous video that she was a witch. Search for “Do wiccans practice witchcraft” to see the video posted by Howcast.

    1. u want power ? u need not wicca but worship d 😈 it will give u power .

    2. I know you want powers and stuff like that but to practice Wiccan or pagan meiping not the right religion for if you just want to practice that religion to have powers there’s more to it just to have powers when you practice to practice of Wiccan and pagan it takes a serious matter in and you really need to have full education of it

    1. @verttiee “Once I was seven years old, my mama told me
      Go make yourself some friends or you’ll be lonely
      Once I was seven years old”

    2. F. B.I
      you really replied late to every single one of her replies and you were taking about her πŸ’€

    3. @verttiee

      That’s okay. I didn’t intend it to be specifically read by them. It is a public comment, meaning that others can view it too and get something from it.

    1. Well witchcraft is not a religion.
      Wicca = religion
      Witcraft = not a religion

  4. Wicca is a hobbie for Hot Topic teens to lose themselves in their bland or harsh reality, just like how Voodoo is a tradition for people with low income from Africa, because they think eating a bull’s dick will make them better men or some shit.

    1. Im not posessessed and those stories are fake witches use protection spells and other to protect themselves from bad influence such a demons and bad spirits

  5. The natural world, The natural world! OK. But most of us live in cities, and some live in “unnatural worlds”.. So how about saying something about that?!

  6. Thank you for that very clear description! I’m glad to see something like this up on Youtube. πŸ™‚

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