PPPD/Dizziness Recovery: Why You Should Stop Pushing Through

Claritox Pro is a natural supplement that helps you to get rid of dizziness and its complications. This supplement is considered as one of the most powerful supplements in the market for treating dizziness because it has a collection of ingredients that are not only effective but also safe. Details about Claritox Pro and how to get it is available on Claritox Pro official website.

In this video I explain the importance of why you should stop pushing through your symptoms and how doing so can stand in the way of your recovery.

For 121 coaching to help you heal from chronic dizziness such as PPPD, please email me at info@balanceyourlifenow.co.uk

Insta: @balanceyourlifenow

Disclaimer: The information in this video is not intended to replace the advice given by your Doctors and Health Professionals. If you are experiencing dizziness of any kind, please consult with your Doctor in the first instance. Please only consider the information provided once you have gained medical clearance.


  1. I’m actually surprised you could even still do all of that? Cause I definitely can’t. This has disabled me. Pushing through work is so fricking hard for me!

    1. @Balance Your Life Now you have no idea how much this comment means to me!! ❤️. Thanks so much!

    2. Try not to compare yourself to anyone, our journeys are so individual and I’m sure there are things you could do that I couldn’t. You have to focus on your recovery and your progression. You can do this! Believe in yourself and you will get there, just one small step at a time 🙏🏼

  2. Thanks for these videos. How do we identify the thin line between avoidance and pushing through

    1. Be guided by how you feel! Do you feel like your overdoing it or just slightly moving outside your comfort zone? Every day may be different so some days you may be able to do more than others. Everything in moderation, small little baby steps! 😊

  3. I’m having a little trouble sitting and feeling these sensations in a curious way when they arise. I guess just keep doing it and I’ll begin to process it all better.

    My question please is at these very moments of feeling these sensations. Is that the exact time to try to imagine and feel the feelings that I desire to feel?
    Or do I just sit through the symptoms? Thanks very much

    1. @Balance Your Life Now this advice is very helpful to me. I’m beginning to understand the healing process better. Thank you kindly!

    2. Hi Chris. Sitting through the symptoms is best. Really feel into them and allow them to be there. Be present, focus on them without judgement. After you have done this for a short while you can then ask yourself the question “what do I need right now”. Listen to the answer and follow your inner guidance. That could well mean turning your attention to something that makes you feel better. But it’s important to feel the uncomfortable sensations first, otherwise you’re simply distracting yourself. Hope that makes sense

  4. The doc said he thought i have labyrinthitis, but idk it could be anything really. I’m just tired of being dizzy 24/7. The vrt exercises just make me feel worse. Its been 7 months of hell and idk what else to do!

    1. @Ky REN3GADE if you had labrynthitis it should have cleared up by now. My doc told me 3 months max. Your symptoms sound consistent with PPPD, hopefully you can see an ENT soon to confirm or deny and also maybe an MRI scan too? Regardless of what you have, you don’t necessarily need a diagnosis, you can just work on healing the symptoms you have. Without knowing you much about you and your lifestyle I can’t really offer much specific advice other than try to give you some hope that you can definitely recover from chronic dizziness and you don’t need to suffer symptoms 24/7. If you want some generic support, drop me an email info@balanceyourlifenow.co.uk I’m also offering a 121 coaching service too.

    2. @Balance Your Life Now idk for sure what I have, I haven’t seen an ent yet. I just had a regular doctor tell me he thought it was labyrinthitis. My problems seem to have started with my ears. I have tinnitus, dizziness, vertigo episodes, eye strain, ear pressure, sometimes headaches, problem focusing eyes, anxiety and panic attacks and some other symptoms. There isn’t really anything that gives me relief as far as I can tell, only time I have any type of relief is if I’m asleep. I was just curious if I had pppd or if mine is more consistent with labyrinthitis. These vestibular issues all seem to be so closely related…

    3. It’s common that the VRT exercises have little effect for people with PPPD. Dont force exercises and definitely don’t do them if they make you feel worse. Choose exercises that make you feel good. Is there anything you can do that gives you some relief (it doesn’t matter what it is)? Have your doctors given you the PPPD diagnosis yet or are you still waiting?

  5. What if you’re the opposite? I used to do things and enjoy life. but I started getting to anxious and stressed and depressed feeling the way I did so I stopped doing things. now I rarely leave the house and I avoid anything that will make it worse

    1. @Balance Your Life Now I am familiar with it yes but still just beginning to learn about! and yes I would love that, thank you!

    2. Hi Maddie, it’s about taking some control over where you are right now. Anxiety, dizziness etc it can end up ruling our lives. If we can manage it, it gets easier. Notice if there are certain times of the day you feel better and less symptomatic, in the morning for example. Choose to do things when you’re feeling OK. Trust that your body is safe and learn how to remain calm. I’ll do a video on this soon if you like. Have you read up on Neuroplasticity atall? I’d highly recommend you spend some time understanding the condition and how Neuroplasticity can help you through this. Just take it one day at a time

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