How Could Dizziness, Imbalance, or Light headedness Be Caused by Your Neck Pain

Claritox Pro is a natural supplement that helps you to get rid of dizziness and its complications. This supplement is considered as one of the most powerful supplements in the market for treating dizziness because it has a collection of ingredients that are not only effective but also safe. Details about Claritox Pro and how to get it is available on Claritox Pro official website.

How Could Dizziness, Imbalance, or Light-headedness Be Caused by Your Neck Pain


  1. I felt dizzy after getting hit back of my neck a tall ladder that was up against a wall fill hit me in the back of my head. but I was able to drive home then later that night my neck pain and behind my ear got to hurting really badly.

  2. I wake at night many times with numb arms and hands> Have tinnitus Sever arthritis in my neck. Many days i can’t even get up and walk around without almost passing out from dizziness. I do the 10,000 steps a day thing and sometimes halfway through my neck and shoulder are severely painful and so dizzy i have to lay down.

  3. I experience constant heavy head feeling. Light headed. A small wave of vertigo. Below deck type of feeling like you described. Exhausted my ent options and tests. No resolution. What doctor should I see now? A neurologist or a osteopathic doctor? I have had an mri of brain from ent. Is it worth revisiting? Do you think I will need a neck mri to rule out this? What test should I ask my dr for?

  4. my baby will turn 7 months this month and wvee since she was two months ive been lightheaded daily ao a total of 5 months soo far, ive had mri’s done of my brain my neck and cervical spine turns put my cervical spine C6,C6 are degenerating, i will be getting PT i hope it helps cause i hate the way im feeling.

  5. cracked my neck doing a back summersault into handstand up against a wall for balance a long time ago and has been bugging me for so long. Also have Tinnitus. Have gotten dizzy when I do certain moves with my head. X ray last week. Can this sort of injury cause Tinnitus as well. Is there a connection wondering.

  6. Many thanks for the informative video. I’m a bodyworker with 25 years of experience. I’ve had excellent results with clients with dizziness and light headedness. I treat the whole body with a strong focus on all aspects of the cervical region, the eyes and paraspinal muscles. It’s worth trying. It’s important to seek out a knowledgeable practitioner. By the way I used to suffer from dizziness, migraine and lightheadness and nausea, sometimes simultaneously. These problems and their solutions led me to decide to become a bodyworker. I left teaching English literature to help others find solutions to their body issues.

  7. I have been off balance and dizzy for 4 years. I’m at a loss. I have been in and out of so many doctors offices. I can’t find any answers and I’m so tired of living life this way.

    1. Cervical instability. It may be cervicogenic dizziness. The 8th nerve is usually involved. But most important check for hypertrophied ligamentum flavum.

    2. Im sorry to hear that, I’ve seen every kind of dr in the past 7 months for dizzy, unbalance and other things also i went to a chiropractor, took a xray of my neck my vertebra is not curve and c1 c2 is off little, the only proof i have why i have these symptoms, just telling you maybe you need a neck xray if you have not yet from a chiropractor

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