Why People Still Lose Hair after a Transplant, and How to Prevent Hair Loss

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A 33-year-old male wants to restore and lower his receding hairline. He wants to know a procedure with lasting results.

Dr. Amiya Prasad, a hair restoration specialist, explains that male pattern hair loss is a dynamic process. This means that even if someone had a transplant, they will continue to lose hair. There are two limitations of a hair transplant: a patient needs more than one transplant in order to achieve a certain amount of density, and the limited amount of hair in the donor area. Also, regardless of hair transplants, people will continue to lose hair. The donor area is the area of hair that doesn’t go away. It’s a genetic resistant area where hair can be transplanted from, but it has a limited number of hairs and the area is very narrow.

Finasteride is a commonly prescribed drug that’s supposed to slow down the progression of male pattern hair loss, but it does not work on everyone, or the same way for everyone. Currently, people don’t want to take finasteride because of the long-term sexual side effects associated with the drug.

For years, the standard approach to transplant was a strip method where a strip of the donor area would be removed, then cut into grafts, then placed. It had a certain amount of yield and it had a variable amount of take based on multiple factors. Since people didn’t like the scars, the industry shifted to FUEs or follicular unit extractions. However with FUEs, the surgeon has to go beyond the safe donor area to yield the same number of grafts that they would with the strip, resulting in taking hairs that are at risk of thinning. In addition, even with the best of hands and advanced robot technology, it is going to transect or cut the hair without the root and placing it. 30% transection rate is not unusual in FUE surgery, and 65% of patients will be dissatisfied with the density based on a published study by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.

In Dr. Prasad’s practice, he developed Hair Regeneration, a combination approach of using a material called extracellular matrix then combining that with a fraction of the patient’s blood called platelet-rich plasma. With this, he has been able to reverse the hair thinning process in a way that far exceeds the volume and the coverage of hair transplants. When people come to him, he tends to not recommend hair transplants but rather to do Hair Regeneration. When patients do this injection treatment, most people decide they’re happy and they don’t want a hair transplant. They have saved themselves the cost, the inconvenience, the risk of surgery and the need of additional surgery. If someone wants a transplant because they are more advanced in their hair loss, he can now confidently move the grafts and place them. He uses the extracellular matrix to improve the benefit, the yield of the transplant, and be confident that they’re not going to be losing hair. He has patients coming from all over the world who are seeking treatment and doing the treatment and avoiding hair transplant all together.

Dr. Prasad explains that patients can try to lower their hairline but the density that they need to look natural is rarely achievable with hair transplantation. They need anywhere from 70-100 hairs per square centimeter which nature creates. When they do a transplant, it’s really not possible even with multiple transplantations to get that same type of density. When they don’t have density, it looks like they had a transplant because the hair continues to thin and they can see hair plugs.

Dr. Prasad suggest that he learn more about the options about taking medical therapies such as finasteride and Hair Regeneration before deciding on a hair transplant. He has to understand that he is not in a stable state and will to continue to progress.

For more information about hair loss, please visit our website: http://nyhairloss.com/

To learn more about Hair Regeneration, please visit: http://nyhairloss.com/hair-regeneration-acell-extracellularmatrix-prp-by-dr-amiya-prasad/