Complete Ruqyah Course By Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble and Ustadh Abu Ibrahim

Ruqyah (Exorcism) in Islam is the recitation of the Quran seeking the refuge in Allah, remembrance and supplications that are used as  a means of treating sicknesses  and other problems as the Quran is a source of healing.

This can be done to cure evil eye, possessions of Jinn,envy and magic.The secret behind this is that one puts his full trust, reliance  and dependance in Allah, the source of all healing and cure.

The Sunnah is to do it in odd numbers.It is permissible to have it done to you without asking for it and it is also permissible to ask someone to do it for you, but this is not recommended.

How to perform Ruqyah:

You can recite Ruqyah on yourself by gathering the palms of your hands and reciting in them the ruqyah and then blow in your hands and wipe area that is ill and hurting you.

You can also bring zam zam water preferably and recite 3, 5 or 7 times the following over it and blow every time you recite it:

Al Fatiha, Ayatul Kursy,the last 2 verses of Suratul Baqarah and the last 3 Surah of the Quran.You can add to that any Prophetic Dua’a and blow on it.

Drink from this water in the morning , in the afternoon and before going to bed and also you can wipe with it over the places that hurt you.

Ruqyah Course 1 – Introduction

Don’t skip this video. Highly recommended introduction to the topic of Ruqyah and related discussions. – Introduction to the teachers/speakers

– The purpose of this ruqyah course

– An overview of the course modules (videos) and what will be discussed

– Belief in the unseen

– The course content and what is being taught is primarily based on the Book of Allah SWT, & the Sunnah, and also based on experience

– Sihr (magic), Jinn possession and evil eye – More people are suffering and therefore more people who genuinely wish to benefit their brother or sister, practising correct methods of ruqyah are needed.

– The Huge Virtues of helping others through Ruqyah.


Ruqyah Course 2 – Tawheed is the Only Solution

The importance of belief and Tawheed. How Tawheed is the first and most basic aspect we must set straight to be successful in general terms but also specifically related to shayateen.

– All of the Prophets called to Tawheed and Rasul Allah’s (pbuh) first call was to tawheed. He spent the first 13 years correcting and purifying the belief of people. This is the foundation that the Ruqyah course starts on. If one’s aqeedah (belief) is not correct then one will not be successful in a general sense nor as a raaqi (one who performs ruqyah)

– Tawheed is what protects us from malicious Jinn (shayateen) and closes all doors to their attacks.

– Make guiding people to tawheed a principle of your ruqyah treatment.


Ruqyah Course 3 – The World of the Jinn

This session describes the jinnkind, some of their attributes and relation to human kind.


Ruqyah Course 4 – Magic and the Magician

What is Magic? How does it work? Is it permissible? Is there good Magic? These and many other questions are addressed as part of this eye-opening discourse on the origins and reality of magic (also known as sihr or jadoo). A series of videos is displayed exposing what the magicians do and the revolting realities of this act.


Ruqyah Course 5 – Types of Magic + Amulets & Talismans

The view of magic as pre-religious or nonscientific has contributed both to subtle distinctions between magic and other practices and to the recognition of subcategories of magic. Notably, anthropologists distinguish magic from witchcraft, defining the former as the manipulation of an external power by mechanical or behavioral means to affect others and the latter as an inherent personal quality that allows the witch to achieve the same ends. However, the line between the two is not always clear, and in some parts of the world an individual may operate in both ways. Similarly, the distinction between “black” magic and “white” magic is obscure since both practices often use the same means and are performed by the same person. Scholars also distinguish between magic and divination, whose purpose is not to influence events but to predict or understand them. Nevertheless, the mystical power of diviners may be thought to be the same as that behind magic. Ultimately, despite these distinctions and the variety of unique roles that practitioners play in their own societies, most end up classified under the universal term magician. Often even religious figures such as priests, shamans, and prophets are identified as magicians because many of their activities include acts defined as “magical” by modern scholars.


Ruqyah Course 6 – Additional Material : Videos showed and Explained

This was a bonus session early on day two where the brothers went through some of the videos previously shown but in more detail. Some new videos are also shown here.


Ruqyah Course 7 – The Evil Eye: Description, Causes and Treatment

Evil eye, glance believed to have the ability to cause injury or death to those on whom it falls; pregnant women, children, and animals are thought to be particularly susceptible. Belief in the evil eye is ancient and ubiquitous; it occurred in ancient Greece and Rome, in Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, and Hindu traditions, and in indigenous, peasant, and other folk societies, and it has persisted throughout the world into modern times. Those most often accused of casting the evil eye include strangers, malformed individuals, childless women, and old women.


Ruqyah Course 8 – Introduction to Ruqyah


Ruqyah Course 9 – The Raaqi and his Family


Ruqyah Course 10 – The Ruqyah Session


Exorcism and Islamic Law

Prohibited techniques often utilize shirk, which is found in practices that prepare amulets or talismans. This is prohibited because shirk is the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism i.e. the deification or worship of anyone or anything besides the singular God. Many times Qur’anic verses are added throughout the recitation when using these objects in order to ‘mask’ their shirk. However, God believes he has provided sufficient cures in executing an exorcism, therefore exorcists should not have to rely on methods involving shirk.

Sunni scholars have pointed some conditions from the Quran and Hadith, which includes performing exorcism using the words of Allah or his names, reciting in Arabic or in language which can be understood by the people, not using any talismans or amulets or fortune-tellers or any magic, nor asking jinn to help. Scholars have difference of opinion whether talismans using the Quran is permissible or not.

Hadith of the 70,000 who do not ask for ruqya and will not be brought to account

hadith recorded in Sahih al-Bukhari8:76:479 states: “Seventy thousand people of my followers will enter Paradise without accounts, and they are those who do not practice Ar-Ruqya(Exorcism) and do not see an evil omen in things, and put their trust in their Lord.” Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, a scholar, commented on this hadith, stating: “That is because these people will enter Paradise without being called to account because of the perfection of their Tawheed, therefore he described them as people who did not ask others to perform ruqyah for them. Hence he said “and they put their trust in their Lord.” Because of their complete trust in their Lord, their contentment with Him, their faith in Him, their being pleased with Him and their seeking their needs from Him, they do not ask people for anything, be it ruqyah or anything else, and they are not influenced by omens and superstitions that could prevent them from doing what they want to do, because superstition detracts from and weakens Tawheed”.